
Waking with a poet’s sigh, always alone,

in a fantasy world, mind and heart has

gone to live, to write a poet’s song.  Heart

made to live alone, words abundant

thoughts strong, the poet always alone.

Cut the strings that hold back the tide

that carries words like a bride; to the

blank page a groom of her dreams,

bonded together to the page they cling.

Happiness, humorous, sad or deadly,

at last it laid upon the poet’s desk, the

last word written; the poet did their

best.  Within the poet, darkness

dwells as it looks for a brighter sphere,

a home for the well of words, where

words may find a home; but the poet is

always alone.


10 thoughts on “Solitude…

  1. Reblogged this on Teacher as Transformer and commented:
    Solitude is important. I find that spending time with my self can be quite challenging. Things I do not want to see or talk about emerge and ask to be heard out and made visible. I think in that way there is a poet inside all of us. We need the solitude to allow the light to seep through the cracks and help us find our way.


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