New Painting…

I am getting to old to push so much into my days!  However, along with writing, I have been working on a new painting for my living room.  Completed and hung this morning.  Seems, that I am out of words and my last painting for awhile; thought I would share it with all of you.


24×36 Acrylic – Flowers on Burgundy background

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Finished, Sofa Painting with Swag Above Painting

A glimmer of sun shines through casting shadows, one would believe it a nice day until they step outside; when this was taken the “temperature” 12 below zero!  Time to rest recoup and begin another project.  Stay warm everyone as most of us are in the deep freeze!

12 thoughts on “New Painting…

  1. Nice picture and painting Ann! This was somehow a lot, but who knows? It might do the trick for you to keep on writng so well! Have a great week, Delvi.


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